Is your webinar successful? Not sure? Well, let’s find out!

Success is hard to measure due to its biased nature. Your viewpoint on success is probably different from your peers and competitors. So how exactly do we measure success?

Before determining success, it is important to establish measurable goals. You want your goals to be SMART. They should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-based. This will help you narrow down your goals and make it easier to achieve them!

For example, do you want to increase your lead generation? Convert your leads into clients? Increase audience retention? Therefore, it is important to set your goals!

The six metrics to measure success are;

  1. Lead Generation

One of the most popular ways to determine success is through lead generations. Your lead generation will tell you how many people attended or did want to attend your webinar. The best way to measure your lead generation is through attendees and registrants.

This is because while registering people give you their contact information and you can still market to them, therefore, they are leads.

Although, if you have heavy traffic but not enough registrations then maybe you might have a problem with your messaging that you need to fix.

Check your registration website does the message match what you sent out in your email or all the other promotional material? or maybe the message you reach out to people with through email or other promotional methods need to be more precise or clear.

Make it simple and straight to the point.

As well as, your attendees are the hottest leads. These are the people who put aside all their work to pay attention to what you have to say so prioritize them! When you are talking about lead generation the most crucial metrics are your registrants and attendees.

Your conversion rate will tell you how effective your marketing is and how interesting people found your webinar. So, make sure to keep an eye on that.

  • Audience Engagement

Identifying the attendance number is imperative but you also want your audience to interact with you. Customer engagement is crucial when you host a webinar, you want to make sure people had a good time and will want to attend another webinar of yours.

Besides, it also gives you a chance to evaluate your approach, to see what works and what doesn’t. Especially in the initial stages, if you figure out what you are lacking you can improve your webinar right from the beginning. 

You can then segment your audience and figure out who enjoyed what segment. That way based on the audience you can keep changing your segment.

 Lastly, it also tells you who in your data set was listening so make sure to keep a lookout!

  • Audience Retention

Audience engagement is important but so is audience retention! You also need to consider how long people actually watched your webinar.

Observe the retention rate and you’ll start to see the drop off mark which tells you when people stop watching, this will help you to identify the problem. Such as, did you lack in content? Was there too much content? Was it boring? Are your facts and figures, right? Try changing the segments? Or maybe pick another day and time.

Or were you repeating information? These intricate subjects must be considered when you look at your drop off mark because you never where exactly you went wrong.

Also, consider checking the drop off mark on your other webinars too this way once you realize the trend it will be easier for you to identify the problem.

  • Brand Awareness

Brand awareness aides to expanding your network and followers. So, it is a must to keep track of how your company is doing on social media platforms before and after hosting your webinar.

This will tell you if there’s an increase in web search and traffic. It also increases your exposure and it makes your brand more impactful.

The best social media sites and apps for brand awareness are LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and occasionally Snapchat; if your audience uses it try to advertise on it, the quick video could bring in traffic to your website.

Additionally, the best time to starting promoting your webinar is two weeks before it, this is beneficial too because you can measure the success of your promotional methods and see what works and what does not.

  • Attendee Feedback Is A Must!

Feedback is the best way to evaluate your strategy, it shows you what you need to work on. You should always ask your attendees for feedback after your webinar, although make sure in a formal way.

Approach your audience one-on-one if you can, this will also help them to familiarize themselves with you. Plus, if they get to know you better they might feel inclined to buy your products or services.

In addition, make sure to email them post-webinar delivery to thank them for participating and also to give you feedback on your work.

This will help to understand if you missed out on anything or if you need to work on something a little further! Additionally, social media is also a great way of communication. So, reach out to your audience in any way you can!

Don’t forget to incentivize them! Sometimes when you offer to give them something people feel the need to give feedback. Maybe offer a sample of your product or service? Give a free t-shirt that is a part of your marketing strategy? Or give them free access to one of your programs for a 15 to a 30-day trial.

  • ROI

The overall ROI of your webinar is a great way to measure success too, it is a mix of all the metrics we discussed. The ROI will give tell you the overall return that you get including your attendance, engagement, leads, sales, marketing, etc.

To determine your ROI, all you need to do is track your KPIs.

These are just a few ways to measure success, but remember! success is also measured by persistence and determination!

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