7 Benefits of Using Evergreen Webinars

Wouldn’t it be great if you had to host a webinar just one time, and then use that same recorded content for attendees next week and the week after?

Evergreen webinars are perpetual, they consist of episodes that are relevant at any point of the day year or time. In a nutshell, evergreen webinars are an alternative to a live webinar.

Plus, since they are automated and recorded they are accessible at any given time or day. So say hello to your international audience.

But what are the benefits of an evergreen webinar?

1.         Hello New Subscribers!

Subscribers would hardly feel much for your cause through a downloadable PDF, although through an hour-long webinar? Now we’re talking.

Although evergreen webinars aren’t live they give a chance for people to get to know you and what your company is about. This is a great way for self-branding.

Plus, you could always publish your content on your website and blog too! That way your viewers will have a choice, they could either read your content or watch and listen to it.

2.         High Maintenance? No Thanks.

What if I told you there was a way for you to make money by doing absolutely nothing? Sounds like a dream, right? Well, it’s not!

Evergreen webinars hardly need maintenance, set up once and you never have to worry about it again! Because of its versatile nature evergreen content is something that people are constantly looking for, the topic just never dies out!

All you have to do is check in on it from time to time to make sure it is running smoothly. In addition, you keep checking if there has been an increase in the number of leads you’re generating.  But other than that, sit back and relax! Let it work its magic.

3.         All Eyes on You

Even though you are not live, your audience gets a chance to connect with you and get a feel of what kind of person you are!

They also get a taste of your teaching techniques after watching your webinar. This is a good opportunity because you give your viewers a chance to decide if your methods resonate with them and if they want to work with you or buy any of your products.

Additionally, a quality webinar reflects a quality company. The way your webinar is constructed says a lot about your company so make sure that its sleek, elegant, and packed with information.

After all, your audience is just a click away from switching over to your competitors.

4.         Upgrade to Expert Status!

Imagine if your 15-minute webinar inspired someone? You gave them a new purpose in life. That felt good to hear right? Delivering good content is key, but delivering valuable content will keep your audience on their toes!

You want to keep them interested in what you’re saying, try to include personal stories that might resonate with them and they’ll fight to get their hands on your next piece of advice!

Your audience will anticipate your next webinar to see what they can relate to next. Using this kind of content build rapport with your audience which is essential, especially when you try out new segments a few familiar faces will help keep you motivated to go through with it.

5.         Revenue All Day, Every Day.

Ever wonder what happens to your evergreen content after you sleep? Well, its generating revenue! What you’re dealing with over here is a 24-hour marketing tool, it just never stops! Evergreen webinars are the best way to keep the money coming.

Repurposing the same content over and over again for a live webinar takes away its effectiveness.

While using an evergreen webinar you can automate it after your first show. This will help you generate more leads and might drive traffic to your website.

 This keeps it fresh, nonrecurring, and accessible.

All you have to do is keep checking the insights to see what needs to be changed or added to your future content. Other than that you have all the time in the world! Go ride a bike or take a nap, your influx of money won’t stop.

6.         Evergreen = SEO friendly

Think about SEO when you create your evergreen webinar. Search for the important keywords your ideal customers are searching for and try to include them in your marketing strategy.

Try to include popular topics that are constantly trending, that way your content is up to date and informative. Maybe your audience might just recommend your website to other people.

This makes it easier for you to get discovered on social media and reach the right people.

Here’s a hint, search for trending hashtags. Hashtags are the easiest way to get noticed. Furthermore, once fully optimized you’ll bound to show up on search engines perpetually.

7.  Social Sharing? Activated!

Evergreen webinars help with social sharing. Believe it or not, but evergreen content is REALLY shareworthy. Think of it this way, when someone registers for your webinar and comes across ‘life-changing’ advice they are definitely going to give you a shout-out on their social media platform.

Mainly through Instagram or Twitter. So why not encourage this, one way to do this would be to create a personal (still automated) thank you email that would suggest different ways to share their experiences. For example, you could add a ‘click to tweet your experience’ link or maybe use a personalized hashtag on their Instagram or Pinterest post.

You could also incentivize them by offering a discount on their purchase or give a free sample or gift if they share their experience online and include your social media account handle or your customized hashtag.

It’s easy to convince your attendees to do any of these if they are happy with your webinar. Also, make sure to use a call-to-action to increase conversations. Maybe, ask them to comment their opinion on your webinar right below it. Or you could ask them to write their questions on the comment box.

Sustainable, fun, and reusable?! No wonder they’re called evergreen webinars!

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