There are various kinds of webinars you can host, but which ones are going to help you with converting your lead into clients? Let’s see!

1. The Q&A Webinar

Are you a first-timer? If so, this webinar is perfect for you! A Q&A webinar is simple, incredibly powerful, and straight to the point. It will definitely help you earn credibility and it is also a popular way to retain clients and decrease the rate at which you are most likely to lose customers.

Additionally, this is your chance to introduce yourself to your audience, let them get to know you.

All you have to do is invite people to attend a webinar on a topic you excel in and instead of preparing a pitch let your audience know you’re here to answer their questions!

This method is great for building awareness and generating leads because you’re willingly giving people a chance to bring their problems to an expert. Furthermore, you’re not selling or marketing you’re just listening. All you’re trying to do is help! Why wouldn’t anyone want free help?

A Q&A webinar is also great in generating registrations because your viewers are in charge of the entire thing. People are bringing their “pain points” to you! You’ve achieved something no marketer has! Additionally, your helpful answers increase credibility.

2. Validation Required! 

Audience participation is key, lucky for you the idea validation webinar is all about including the audience in the conversation. Like the Q&A webinar your inviting people to help you solve their problems! This gives you a huge head start in marketing your products to them.

Through this webinar, you get insight into your audiences’ likes and dislikes.  It gives you a chance to design a product or service based on what they asked for.

 Additionally, people are more likely to buy a product they had input on, it makes them feel included. So by the time your product is ready marketing won’t be a big issue since you already have pre-qualified leads to try it!

Furthermore, this webinar is not only going to give you new ideas and improve your product, it’s going to build excitement within the audience. They’re going to be wondering about what you’re creating. This is the smartest way to design your MVP (Minimum Viable Product).

Additionally, similar to the Q&A webinar, validation webinars are great for creating awareness and sparking interest in the audience. An ideal CTA would be inviting your audience to a sales webinar.

3. Co-Hosting Webinars

Talk about a win-win situation, do you want to grow your followers? Then this is the right webinar for you! By co-hosting a webinar the spotlight on you because you’re appealing to your audience and theirs.

Furthermore, this webinar is beneficial in multiple ways, you get to build awareness and generate leads. But the cherry on top; Their contacts become your contacts!

Additionally, the underlying benefits of co-hosting a webinar are that the value of the webinar is doubled, the work is divided in half, there’s twice the amount of promotion for the webinar and your conversation rates will skyrocket since you’ll receive more registrants and attendees.

You will also get more responses to your CTA!

4. The Automated Webinar

What is an automated webinar? An automated webinar is a strategic way to convert your leads into clients. Granted not all will convert into clients but you will gain a few of them. An automated webinar lets you “host” your webinar 24/7! Even when you’re sleeping, watching a movie, or baking cookies. Automated webinars are better than live webinars if you’re trying to reach more people.

Since you have a greater ability to reach out to people you will be maximizing your ROI on time. Because through an automated webinar you can reach out to many people in less time. Only thing is, you will miss out on real-time interaction and there will be no engagement with your audience at all.

5. The Live Webinar

This one takes the cake. The live webinar it shines a light on webinars at their most powerful moments. Every webinar is educational in its own way, but when you blend that with real-time interaction that combination is just too good to miss.

When you deliver your webinar you might influence your leads into becoming loyal clients. The key point is to value and prioritize live interaction, connection to your audience, and engagement. 

Plus, this is an advantage just like the Q&A and Validation webinar when you host a live webinar your sole purpose is giving your audience free services and in exchange, you ask for nothing apart from their contact information. So you definitely earned a place in their good books!

6. A Podcast-Based Webinar?

Have you ever heard of receiving emails through a podcast? Yeah, neither have we. But believe it or not, having a podcast is profitable it’s one way for you to capture a minimum amount of lead.

But now we need to turn these leads into clients so give them a purpose to visit your website or blog!  Your podcast can be one way to market your website, that way you’ll direct traffic and increase your sales.

All you have to do is align your webinar to the needs of your podcast audience and you’re halfway there!

This is a guaranteed strategy; your audience is already familiar with you and your work so awareness is there. All you need to do is get them on your contact list and into attending your webinar. Once your regular audience is there you can deliver your message like usual and watch as you enamour people!

7. Automated Sales Webinar

The main part of hosting an automated sales webinar is reaching out.

Running an automated webinar every day, all day long is fine since you don’t have to worry about the time zones, schedule difference, or the attendance volume.

The only thing though, an automated webinar can never sell as much as a live webinar. But don’t worry! You can still attract a handful number of clients.

Automated webinars might lack in generating a large number of clients but instead, it makes up in increasing your registration rate. So if you include the details of your website you may be able to direct traffic to your website through the webinar.

Plus if your live webinar has a 15% sales conversion rate that means 15 sales, alternatively the most amount of conversion rate an automated webinar can produce is about 5%. That doesn’t sound as appealing until you apprehend that your automated webinar can reach more than 200 people.

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