Webinars have proven to be the most efficient and effective technique to attract prospective clients and increase your brand awareness. 

They are extremely powerful for generating leads, building brand awareness, and selling. Research shows that people love video content. 72% of consumers prefer watching a video over reading an article. This means that you can sometimes generate more leads by running a webinar than you can by offering a free downloadable resource like a whitepaper, infographic, or eBook.

On average, a whopping 20% to 40% of webinar attendees turn into qualified leads and about 5% of attendees purchase at the end. It’s not surprising, then, that 74% of B2B marketers say that a webinar is the best way to generate high-quality leads.

If you’re hosting a webinar or are contemplating to hold one, you must be aware of a webinar funnel. 

A webinar funnel is a marketing and sales tool that can be used to automatically convert visitors into leads and leads into buyers. Creating a webinar funnel is one of the most effective ways to invite people to join your webinar.

Additionally, producing a webinar funnel is effectively the best way to entice people to attend your webinar it invites, either, browsers on webpages or social media platforms to join webinars. 

Next, it guides people through a process recognised as the funnel towards the webinar objective. The webinar objective could range from giving job training to persuading clients to buy goods or services. 

Additionally, the webinar funnel is going to be the backbone of your webinar. Therefore, for a high attendance rate and recognition, it’s better to utilise the funnel. Or as a result, you will be left with a killer webinar but with no one to experience it. 

If your main goal is making sales through your webinar you need as many leads as you can get to convert into clients for your business. 

Now that we talked about the webinar funnel, let’s dig a little further! The webinar funnel has 10 processes:

1. No Pain, No Gain. Am I Right? 

Problems and solutions go hand in hand, so find a problem and provide a solution! And you’re their hero! 

Find out where your audience is hurting and hit the nail right on the mark, the first step to capturing the attention of your audience is to address their issues. Select a topic that addresses the pain points of your intended audience and give them the solution they’re looking for. 

However, if you’re not sure what difficulties your viewers are facing, then question yourself; What are the common issues that people are facing and how can I help them with my webinar? 

This will also reflect your will to help them, and based on your solutions advertise your webinar to persuade people to attend it. 

In addition, don’t forget to convey and explain your solution clearly! After all, you ruffled their feathers so you better fix it! Make sure to be direct and keep it simple. 

2. Woah That’s Your Headline?! 

What you really need to get the show on the road is an irresistible headline. One way to attract your audience would be to make your headline playful and light, keep it simple but make it catchy and interesting, plus if it’s relatable people will definitely be interested in what you have to say. 

3. Outline Benefits of Attending The Webinar

Have you ever signed up for a webinar but backed out right in the end? Don’t worry, we’ve all done it. Sometimes people find it easier to back out instead of sitting through the webinar because they were never informed about the benefits of attending it. Hence, some of the greatest webinars run underattended or unattended. 

For this reason, always remember to inform your audience about the benefits of attending your webinar, they might even pass on the word to other people, so might be able to get more participants too! 

4. Simple Registration Form With ‘Add to Calendar’ Feature And FAQ’s

One of the best ways to remind your audience about your webinar is through the ‘add to calendar’ feature. When registrant sign up for the webinar make sure to make this feature available, therefore if they somehow miss your email or it goes into junk mail the calendar will definitely remind them! 

Furthermore, it’s also a good idea to share the general FAQ’s with your audience, so they are aware of what kinds of questions people usually ask. 

5. Provide A Link to Preview Video And Social Share Options

Providing a preview link to your webinar gives your audience a small teaser of what to expect from you. 

6. Pre-webinar reminder alert

Make sure to send your participants 2 kinds of reminders. Send the first remind exactly one week before you host your webinar, that way they will have enough time to shuffle their schedule around if it clashes with your webinar. Send the final reminder the day before your event, just so it stays fresh in their minds. 

7. An engaging presentation with a clear ‘Call to Action’

A Call-to-action is a clickable button that directs users to a selected address. Most presenters include a CTA within their PowerPoint presentations slides. Additionally, CTA can help generate traffic, lead, profit, etc. This CTA button is a crucial element, in any PowerPoint without it your presentation is incomplete.

8. Enhanced audience participation through polls and Q&A sessions

Keep your audience interested and engaged through a series of interactive activities! Make sure to ask them questions from time to time and use polls!

9. Post webinar survey to gauge audience satisfaction levels

Audience feedback is imperative, it will help you understand what your audience thought about your webinar, was the topic exciting, was your advice satisfactory? Did they find your webinar worth their time? 

10. Offer On-Demand viewing of evergreen content

This will keep them coming back for more! Everybody loves evergreen content, especially since they are always useful! So, give them this one-time offer and they’ll definitely come back for more. 

Now you have everything you need to build a profitable webinar funnel, drive traffic to that funnel, and convert like crazy!

Remember, the end goal of the webinar funnel is to generate leads and make sales.

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