Why Video Marketing Is the Right Choice In 2020

Digitalization is on its way to world domination! Is that convincing enough? Videos have been in the game for a long time but now might be the right time to start using it. 

Pop Quiz: What is better than hosting a webinar on a single platform?

The Correct Answer: Broadcasting it on it on several other popular Live streaming platforms!

The versatility and appealing content format of videos give us another reason to incorporate it into marketing strategies. Videos give us a real-life representation of what is going on. A 2-minute video can help influence clients to invest in your business, buy your products, use your services, etc. 

You can also influence what your audience thinks, a video can relay messages with a visual representation that may make it easier for your point to get across to your audience. As some people are visual learners you want to keep all your options open when you try to target a large market. 

As well as, they’re also easy to share on multiple platforms. 

A small tip: People probably get tired from looking at a screen all-day especially sites with never-ending words. Therefore, another advantage of creating videos is that it prolongs the time viewers spend on your site. Since reading paragraphs would be exhausting people can benefit from your videos! 

Additionally, consumers prefer video content considering it is easy to understand, highly engaging and it makes the topic interesting. While marketers like it because it most likely promises a tremendous ROI through various channels.  

Another crucial point is that videos are accessible to anyone who has access to the internet, which also lets people create their own videos! 

As live streaming has become more ubiquitous, so have the ‘DIY’ options, like YouTube Live, Facebook Live, Periscope, Instagram Live, and LinkedIn Live.

Here are a few reasons why it makes sense to use video for corporate comms:

A single minute of video is worth about 1.8 million words.

Humans can retain 95% of a video message, but only 10% when reading it in text. According to Social Media Today a publication company, 90% of people insist that a video helps influence their purchase decision. 

This year, 80% of all internet traffic will be video.

Beyond neuroscience and hard facts, video is engaging, fun, and increasingly a new norm. Additionally, HubSpot shares that 97% of marketers claim that videos help clients to understand the product better. 

In regard to the comment above, it is, therefore, better if marketers use videos to give their audience a value-based offer and to give them a closer look at the product or service. 

Here are some interesting statistics for you to consider:

Facebook would be the biggest website with live streaming capabilities in the world. The social network reached 2.5 billion monthly active users in Q4 of 2019. On Facebook, one in five videos is now a live broadcast.

When looking at websites that are primarily video platforms, YouTube has the most monthly active users. It reached 2 billion in the first half of 2019. More than 70% of YouTube watch time comes from mobile devices.

Twitter streamed more than 1,600 live events throughout Q1 of 2019.

Video has proven to be very effective for marketing, so much so that 99% of marketers who are using it say they’ll continue doing so in 2020.

So far, 81% of businesses are using video marketing. This method of marketing allows corporations to send out various kinds of messages to their clients, this short 2-minute video can educate millions of people on your product. Additionally, your clients will get a feel for your company and how it operates. 

Use this unique method of storytelling to convey your message and advertise your brand! But make sure to use the right animated or illustrated video that matches your product. 

Another interesting fact is if you want to improve your SEO using video content will work wonders! Search engines love videos because they perceive videos as high-quality content holders. But in order to utilize this and increase your SEO make sure to use the right keywords and give your video a powerful title!

According to Cisco, during the 2021 live video will account for 13% of traffic! And video streaming market is projected to reach north of US$ 185 billion by 2027.

Tips For Video Marketing:

We talked about how incredibly amazing video marketing is andwhy you need to use it, But now let’s dive into how you can make a video that’s engaging, catchy, and sends the right message. 

Here are some tips:

First of all, you need to decide which platform your target audience uses the most and use that platform. It’s important to pick the correct platform or you might not get your message across since you’re targeting the wrong audience or because people hardly use this platform. 

HubSpot recommended these platforms and the ideal length your video should be: 

  1. Instagram – about 30 seconds long
  2. Twitter – about 45 seconds long
  3. Facebook – about 1 minute long 
  4. YouTube – about 2 minutes long 

Also, keep in mind that it’s not only about the content. Of course, your content plays a major role, however, make sure that your video is engaging, accessible, interactive and it should also direct your traffic to your social media accounts or website. 

Include captions for auto play, links to your other videos, and ensure your video is on silent when it is on a landing page. In addition, videos on landing pages are highly effective, they easily capture attention when people browse through your site. 

Most importantly, make sure your video is mobile-friendly! 

Lastly, keep track of how your video is performing and the number of views you have gotten. Practice SEO standards and keeping monitoring your metrics. And don’t forget to use call-to-action that is another way to drive traffic! 

According to Sharad Agarwal, Founder of ONLY webinars, “Live video is becoming a necessity with companies. It’s what brands should really be using to reach out to their stakeholders.”

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